Assisted suicide

Exit International admits its extreme assisted suicide agenda

By David Quinn

An Oireachtas committee is holding its first public meeting today on assisted suicide (which the media euphemistically calls ‘assisted dying’). The line will be that any proposed law will only allow the terminally ill to avail of the procedure. But one of the main campaign organisations, Exit International, wants to go much further than that....


Extend assisted suicide to the poor, argue Canadian ethicists

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Assisted suicide should be made available to the poor, the homeless and the disabled, two ethicists from the University of Toronto have argued, and a large number of Canadians agree with them. Once again, we see how quickly assisted suicide and euthanasia can become normalised in a country and be seen as an acceptable way...


A disturbing insight into Canada’s culture of assisted suicide

By David Quinn

Canada is giving us a glimpse into what is probably our own near future, namely a society in which suicidal ideation, and the act itself, are totally normalised for those facing very difficult circumstances, and who are turning in growing numbers to assisted suicide providers. This is starkly revealed by a very disturbing article carried...


Canada slides right down the assisted suicide slippery slope

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Canada only introduced assisted suicide in 2016, but already we see that the grounds to avail of it are widening and the country now has one of the most permissive euthanasia and assisted suicide laws in the world. Increasingly, assisted suicide is being seen an alternative to a lack of proper health care or welfare...


Over 10,000 Canadians died by euthanasia last year

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Over 10,000 Canadians died by euthanasia in 2021, 32pc more than in the previous year, according to a new official report. It shows once more that when you open the door to euthanasia and assisted suicide, the numbers availing of them rise rapidly and social norms change. It’s worth look at the report in some...


Forcing religious-run health centres to allow assisted suicide

By Dr Angelo Bottone

All hospitals and hospices will be forced to allow euthanasia to take place on site, with no exception, according to a law recently passed in the Australian state of New South Wales. Pro-life health care facilities will be obliged to allow external doctors to access patients who have requested assisted suicide. The Australian state of...


Assisted suicide does not reduce overall suicide rate, says new study

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Supporters of assisted suicide often say that permitting the procedure would lead to a reduction in non-assisted suicide because it would provide a better alternative. A new study suggests this is not true. In countries where assisted suicide is available, non-assisted suicides do not necessarily reduce in number. The study by David Albert Jones, director...


Radical assisted suicide organisation opens in Ireland to almost no reaction

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Exit International, one of the most radical pro-euthanasia organisations in the world, has launched an Irish branch. They want almost no limits on euthanasia/assisted suicide. They believe that any adult who wishes to kill themselves, and is mentally competent, should be facilitated in doing so. The person doesn’t have to be sick, let alone terminally...


In Austria pharmacies are now allowed to sell suicide drugs

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The ‘culture of death’ continues to tighten its grip on Europe. In Austria, a law that went into effect on January 1 allows not simply those who are terminally ill to avail of assisted suicide, but also the chronically sick. In a particularly grisly twist, pharmacies are now authorised to give lethal drugs to those...


An important voice is raised up against Assisted Suicide

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The College of Psychiatrists in Ireland has come out strongly against the proposal to legalise Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia (PAS-E). In a new paper released just before Christmas, they say it is “contrary to the efforts of psychiatrists, other mental health staff and the public to prevent deaths by suicide.” It will place vulnerable...