The Iona Blog

An extreme ‘exclusion-zone’ law is debated in the Seanad

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Almost no country in the Western world bans holding pro-life vigils or protests outside clinics and hospitals that facilitate or conduct abortions, but the Seanad has just voted in favour of a Bill that would make it a criminal offence to do just that. It even includes pharmacies. Most other countries have declined to take...


David Quinn debates the future of religious schools

David Quinn was on the Pat Kenny Show last week debating the future of Church-run schools. He said one reason that more Catholic schools have not been divested is because in practice there is not much demand from parents to do so. You can listen to the item here.


Oireachtas Committee told harsh facts of life about commercial surrogacy

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Officials from three Government Departments have expressed great doubt about the possibility of legislating for the recognition of international commercial surrogacy contracts in Ireland. Besides practical difficulties, it would create a double standard if commercial surrogacy, which is banned here in Ireland, is tolerated when it happens abroad. The Joint Oireachtas Committee on international commercial...


‘Taking Stock’: a talk by David Quinn

David Quinn spoke last week in University Church on the topic, ‘Taking Stock: assessing the last two years and the road ahead’. You can now watch the talk by clicking here. In the first part of the talk,  David addressed how the pandemic impacted the Churches. He then discussed the review of the operation of Ireland’s...


Wikipedia’s poisonous entry about The Iona Institute

By David Quinn

Larry Sanger is the co-founder of Wikipedia, a website many ordinary people take to be an authoritative source on basically everything, a sort of internet version of Encyclopedia Britannica. On many issues, it is nothing of the sort, which is why Sanger has lost faith in his creation. He believes it lost its impartiality years...


Europe’s growing anti-Christian intolerance problem

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Violence against Christians in Europe is both unrecognised and underestimated, says a major new report. Secular intolerance and Islamist physical violence are two main threats to religious freedom, but they often downplayed by media. The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe (OIDAC) looks at five European countries where the rights of Christians...


A non-debate in the Dáil about the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Last week, the Dáil began debating the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill but, in reality, there was no debate. Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR) poses many serious ethical and legal questions but very few objections were raised by our TDs. This is a typical pattern in these debates. The Bill is very permissive and adult-centered in its...


A landmark victory for a pro-life doctor

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Dr Dermot Kearney is an Irish physician working in England. Through use of the Abortion Reversal Pill (APR) treatment, he has saved at least 20 babies who would otherwise have been lost to abortion. Abortion provider, Marie Stopes International, made a complaint against him to the General Medical Council, but the complaint was recently dismissed....


The difficulties of responding to the abortion review

By Jim Stack

As a statistician interested in pro-life issues, I was naturally interested in making a Submission to the current abortion review. Having analysed data from the first two years of our new abortion regime, I gathered the findings (plus commentary) into a Word document, and attached this Word document to an email which I then sent...


Only a social revolution can reverse falling birth rates

By David Quinn

Why do birth rates keep falling? A common explanation is that the cost of living is the main factor, especially the rising cost of accommodation. But an alternative explanation is that the main reason is changing social attitudes. An important new study provides plenty of evidence that the second explanation is the stronger one. The...

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