The Iona Blog

The ethics of a lockdown (III)

Proportionality and Pandemics-A Difficult Assessment By David Mullins In the current health crisis, many goods have to be balanced. The big question is whether the good done by the lockdown is proportionate to the harm caused by it. So far, a big majority of people think that it is. The principle of proportionality is used...


Rationing healthcare mainly by age is unacceptable

By Dr Angelo Bottone

It has been reported that some hospitals in the west of Ireland have been told to employ a point system to determine who should be sent to ICU during the Covid-19 crisis, and one of the criteria is age. If you reach exceed eight on this scale, you are not being admitted to ICU. According...


The ethics of a lockdown (II)

Weighing goods and bads? By Dr John Murray It seems obvious that in this current crisis, and indeed more generally in political, professional, and personal life, we need to weigh up the goods and bads involved in the options we face for choice. Isn’t such weighing up required if we are to be rational and...


The ethics of a lockdown (I)

Ireland has gone into lockdown to try and minimise the number of deaths caused by Covid-19. In coming to this decision, the Government has decided that, for now anyway, the good of the lockdown outweighs any possible harms that might result. Obviously, we do not shut down society each year to try and minimise the...


Ethical questions in a pandemic

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The current epidemic raises a number of profound ethical questions.  We are facing unprecedented events under the pressure of time and of limited resources. In the name of urgency and necessity we are experiencing exceptional restrictions of fundamental liberties, and a significant alteration of our familiar ways of living. After the initial shock, when energies are...


Covid-19 and the culture of death in the US and Europe

By Paolo Gulisano (translation by Angelo Bottone) The current Covid-19 pandemic has become an extraordinary opportunity for the dissemination of the culture of death. This is happening on a world-wide scale. In the United States, which were incomprehensibly caught “by surprise” by the arrival of the virus, many states have already announced that the cures for the Coronavirus will...


Remembering the heroic priests and nuns who have died in this crisis

By Dr Angelo Bottone

Almost one hundred priests including one bishop have died so far because of Covid-19, mostly in Italy. Many of them were infected while ministering the sick. In other words, they made the ultimate sacrifice while looking after their people, which is a priest’s highest calling. The priest acts ‘in persona Christi’ and he also laid...


Northern Ireland horrendous new abortion regime gets underway

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The new abortion law that came into force in Northern Ireland on Tuesday is so extreme than it is even more permissive than the current legislation valid for the rest of the United Kingdom, or in the Republic. The horrible irony is that while the North attempts to save people from Covid-19, this law will...


Current crisis has been exploited to make our abortion law even more permissive

During a medical crisis everyone should be focused on saving lives, particularly the Minister for Health. Still, some TDs have tried to use the emergency legislation recently discussed in the Oireachtas to expand access to abortion even further, while Minister Harris has introduced a new and substantial change in the interpretation of the current abortion...


How the world’s hospitals are a Christian legacy

By David Quinn

As we watch hospitals all over the world cope with coronavirus, their existence is something we completely take for granted. We assume that every culture, left to its own devices, will naturally develop hospital systems in the course of time. But this is simply not true. They are chiefly a legacy of Christianity. They arose...

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