News Roundup

Widower sues for same pension rights as married people

The long-time partner of a woman who died is suing the Minister for Social Protection to grant him the Widower’s Pension despite him not having been married.

The action has been taken by John O’Meara, whose partner of over twenty years Ms Michelle Batey died on January 31 last as a result of contacting Covid-19.

He claims that sections of the 2005 Social Welfare Consolidation Act which excludes him from receiving the pension, because he was not married to nor had entered into a formal civil partnership with his late partner, despite their long relationship together amounts to a discrimination.

The couple, who never married, have three children together, all of whom are minors. The court heard that Mr O’Meara had planned to marry Ms Batey but they couple were unable to go through with their plans.


Italian State rescues Afghan Christians

The Italian State rescued a Christian Afghan family from Kabul last week.

They were brought out on an airlift organised by the Italian government to rescue Italian nationals and Afghans at risk.

A Catholic charity, the Fondazione Meet Human, accepted responsibility for the group of people once in Italy, which includes eight minors.

The Italian military helped solve the problem of getting them to the Kabul airport, an operation that was successful on Thursday of last week.

“We are grateful to Italian civilian and military authorities for this complicated and demanding rescue operation, not to mention the many people who worked for its success. It might be a drop in the ocean, but the ocean is made up of drops,” President of the charity, Daniele Nembrini, told AsiaNews.


US urged to keep Nigeria on list of worst violators of religious freedom

A large and varied group of human rights experts and advocates for religious freedom have urged U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, to re-designate Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern. The State Department is currently preparing a list of Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) for nations who have “engaged in or tolerated particularly severe violations of religious freedom”. The list will be released in December.

“Now is not the time for the United States to pull back its pressure on a regime whose ham-fisted overreach is exacerbating its country’s human rights problems. The pressure must remain, not only because of religious freedom concerns, but because of all the human rights concerns facing Nigeria. Any let up by the U.S. and the international community will signal to the people of Nigeria that they have been abandoned. We cannot stand by while the Nigerian government allows terrorists and criminals to attack faith communities and commit gross human rights violations with impunity. Nigeria must remain a Country of Particular Concern,” said Kelsey Zorzi, Director of Global Religious Freedom for ADF International.


Prayer and spirituality ‘the most helpful’ for managing anxiety, say Irish prisoners abroad

A majority of Irish prisoners abroad identified prayer and spirituality as “the most helpful” means of managing stress and anxiety.

That’s according to a survey conducted by the Irish Council for Prisoners Overseas (ICPO), an agency of the Catholic bishops.

Of the 1,100 Irish prisoners surveyed in 30 countries, almost 70 per cent were in UK prisons with the remainder in jails in the US, Europe, and Australia.

The unprecedented survey was conducted in the final quarter of last year by the ICPO, which was set up by the Catholic bishops in 1985 to work with Irish prisoners overseas regardless of faith, conviction or prisoner status.

Commenting on the survey findings, Bishop Denis Brennan, chair of the ICPO said, “Our survey highlights the mental health difficulties experienced by Irish people who are in prison abroad.  While it is widely accepted that such problems are a reality for many in prison at home, in the case of a citizen in prison in a foreign country these are exacerbated by time; distance, especially from loved ones and family; finance; isolation; language, and a myriad of potential cultural barriers.”

Bishop Brennan continued, “I am concerned by the relatively high number of survey respondents indicating an absence of a clear sense of direction after their release from prison.  It seems that such uncertainty is a consequence of resettlement supports being withheld from foreign national prisoners in a number of countries and the inability for many to access educational, resettlement and offender behaviour courses during the pandemic”.


Sexual consent programme for second level students launched

A sexual consent education programme for students in second level was launched on Tuesday, which includes workshops for teenagers and seminars for parents.

The programme was developed by Active Consent researchers at NUI Galway over the last two years and is aimed at 15- to 17-year-olds. The programme does not say whether anything more than consent is morally necessary before a couple has sex.

It also includes seminars for parents and resources to increase ‘critical skills’ about topics such as body image, pornography and consent. One of the researchers is Kate Dawson who believes in ‘ethical’ pornography.

The programme aims to teach young people how to be knowledgeable and confident about consent, that consent should be “ongoing, mutual and freely given”.

It aims to help young people recognise the impact of gender, alcohol and drugs on sex and to teach the legal meaning of consent.

The programme will offer a 10-credit professional development module from September, as well as consent workshop training for teachers.


Majority of parents in the US would prefer to work from home

The experience of working from home during the pandemic has given many parents in the US the desire to continue with the arrangement.

More than half of American parents with children under age 18 said that COVID-19 has made them more likely to prefer working from home for a significant portion of time.

That’s according to a new survey conducted by YouGov on behalf of the Institute of Family Studies (IFS) and the Wheatley Institution in the US.

33% of the parents said they would work at home most of the time, while an additional 20% said they would prefer to work at home half of the time.

The respondents also chose “both parents work flexible hours and share child care” as the best child care arrangement for families with kids ages 0-4.

Mothers were more likely than fathers to prefer that option (37% vs. 25%).


Pro-life presence recorded at hospitals and clinics providing abortion in 10 counties

Pro-life prayer vigils and protests have taken place across at least 10 counties, according to research currently being carried out by Maynooth University in collaboration with the activist ‘Together for Safety Campaign‘.

They found that pro-life campaigners have gathered outside GP surgeries and clinics in Cork, Donegal, Dublin, Galway, Limerick, Louth, Roscommon, Tipperary, Waterford, and Wicklow.

There have also been a pro-life presence outside maternity hospitals in Galway, Cork, Drogheda, and Dublin since January 2019 when the abortion regime was rolled out.

Protests were reported outside Limerick Hospital on 17 days in February and March, when the country was under level 5 lockdown.

Camilla Fitzsimons of NUI Maynooth said she has received reports of demonstrators praying loudly, holding up graphic placards, and distributing leaflets outside healthcare facilities.

She added that a number of respondents raised concerns about the impact so called “safe access zones” could have on the right to protest.


UK’s politicians must champion religious freedom, says Lord Alton

Lord David Alton is urging UK politicians to defend religious freedom around the world and shine a light on the “horrendous atrocities” being perpetrated against people of faith.

The crossbench peer said solutions needed to be found for minorities in Afghanistan after the Taliban seized control last week.

“The last few days have been dominated by the appalling news from Afghanistan and the ever-growing fear of what this will mean for women and girls, religious minorities and countless others,” he said.

“That fear is grounded in our knowledge of what they have done before – by the horrific legacy of the atrocities perpetrated by the Taliban. We need to find solutions to help all those at risk.”

Lord Alton made the comments in his capacity as vice chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief.


Christians in Afghanistan brace for attacks by Taliban

Afghanistan’s tiny Christian minority is bracing for a new round of persecution in the wake of the Taliban’s takeover of the country, Christian leaders and aid organisations warn.

The head of Aid to the Church in Need, which helps persecuted Christians, Dr Thomas Heine-Geldern stated: “ACN predicted the deterioration of the situation in its recent Religious Freedom Report, published in April 2021. Throughout the 22-year history of this report, Afghanistan has always been among the countries that most violates this fundamental right. Especially in the last three years, the report highlights the repeated and egregious attacks against places of worship, religious leaders, and worshippers.

He continued: “Our analysis, unfortunately, does not leave much room for hope. All those who do not espouse the extreme Islamist views of the Taliban are at risk, even moderate Sunni. The Shia (10%), the small Christian community, and all other religious minorities, already under threat, will suffer even greater oppression. This is a huge setback for all human rights and especially for religious freedom in the country.

Meanwhile. an Afghani Christian leader told the aid organisation International Christian Concern (ICC): “We are telling people to stay in their houses because going out now is too dangerous”.

He said that Christians in the country fear that Taliban attacks on Christian communities would start soon.

“It will be done mafia style. The Taliban will never take responsibility for the killings.”

He added: “Some known Christians are already receiving threatening phone calls. In these phone calls, unknown people say, ‘We are coming for you.’”


Church of Sweden divided over forcing priests to carry out same-sex marriages

There is increasing pressure in the Church of Sweden, a Lutheran Protestant denomination, to compel priests to conduct same-sex marriages, ahead of internal elections in September.

Jerker Schmidt, a priest and church politician for the Bourgeois Alternative, is one of many who would stipulate that Lutheran priests must conduct same-sex ceremonies, telling Swedish broadcaster SVT: “It’s about the Church’s image of God and the view of man.”

The results of an election survey published by the newspaper Kyrkanstidning earlier this month revealed that the issue is hotly contested, with five of the 11 nominating groups saying they were supportive of forcing Lutheran priests to carry out the services while six said they were not.

Same-sex marriage has been permitted in the Church of Sweden since 2009. But a clause allowing priests to abstain from such ceremonies, known as the “conscience clause”, has been a topic of discussion for years.