News Roundup

NI Executive confirms churches may open for private prayer in lockdown

Churches in Northern Ireland are to be allowed to stay open for individual prayer during the two-week coronavirus lockdown.

The editor of the Irish Catholic, Michael Kelly said the concession is welcome, but the ban on public worship should not be happening and the Executive “should never have caused such distress and anxiety by creating doubt about whether churches could remain open for private prayer or not.”

Stormont ministers met on Tuesday morning and agreed the clarification to the regulations.

It followed calls by Church leaders across the North for the change.

The Executive had initially agreed that places of worship should close for all but weddings, civil partnerships and funerals from Friday until 11 December.

They will also be allowed to carry out drive-in services.


Cardinal says people deserve fully-funded palliative care as alternative to assisted suicide

A bill on palliative care in Ontario, Canada, has been called a good first step, but Catholic Church leaders and medical experts insist more is needed.

While hospitals administering assisted suicide (MAiD, Medical Assistance in Dying) are fully funded, hospices have to raise 50 per cent of their operating funds in bake sales and fundraising drives, said Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care Association executive director Sharon Baxter.

Their demands include full funding, concrete plans for minimum standards of care and political will to see that all Ontarians have a realistic chance to choose palliative care well before they’re staring death in the face.

“The bill is good. It’s a good start,” said Toronto’s archbishop, Cardinal Thomas Collins.

But, without funding commitments and a pipeline in place to ensure qualified palliative-care specialists among physicians, social workers and nurses, a framework alone won’t actually deliver more palliative care, Collins said.

He also decried the lack of protections in law for conscientious objectors.

“I am really concerned that people — nurses, doctors, medical students as they’re going through their medical training — are very often put under considerable pressure,” the cardinal said.


Persecuted Christians to be remembered this week

Churches and other buildings in Ireland and beyond will be lit up in red this Wednesday to draw attention to the persecution of Christians all around the world. In addition, Aid to the Church in Need in Ireland will host a series of events, including an interview with John Paul II biographer, George Weigel on Wednesday night and Lord David Alton on Friday night. (The list of events can be found here.)
Aid to the Church in Need says that 80% of all acts of religious persecution are perpetrated against Christians and the “Week of Witness” marks those who were killed or injured for their faith.
The charity points out that some 245 million Christians are facing extreme persecution for their faith, with the charity supporting some 5,300 projects aimed at assisting those living in hardship.
Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan of the Diocese of Waterford and Lismore has called on “all churches, businesses and public buildings” to take part in the initiative.
“Red is the Christian colour of martyrdom. Christians are the most persecuted group in today’s world and Red Wednesday will honour all Christians who suffer and die for their faithfulness to Christ’s message of peace and love.”
He added that the day also highlights injustices against other faith groups, and the campaign “calls for respect and tolerance for people of faith and between different faith traditions”.

Archbishop renews call for public worship to be allowed at Level 3

The demands for reopening of churches for public worship are all the more important because the Covid19 pandemic crisis will continue well into the coming year”, the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin has said.
Recalling a recent online meeting between the Taoiseach and representatives of various religions, he said there was “unanimous agreement on the part of all the faith representatives that if there is a return to Level 3 at the beginning of December, then there should be a rethink on the place of public worship in Level 3 provisions”. Ireland was the only country in Europe to stop public worship under mid-level restrictions.
The Taoiseach had “stressed the enormous effort made by churches to ensure that church buildings were safe places for worship during the pandemic” and had shown an openness to “a re-examination of the place of public worship at Level 3,” recalled the archbishop.
Mr Martin had also noted “that the public health authorities continually express their anxiety about large gatherings, but that they distinguish between controlled gatherings and spontaneous uncontrolled gatherings”.

Large swath of UK students feel censored on campus, poll finds

Almost 40% of students in the UK admit fears that expressing their views on campus could adversely affect their future career opportunities, according to a poll released by ADF International (UK).
In addition, over a third stated that events are being increasingly cancelled on campus due to objections from other student clubs and societies based on the topic and the speakers.
“Freedom of speech is the foundation of every free and democratic society. Of all places, university is where students should be free to debate and explore ideas – especially those with which they disagree. Institutional policies and practices can suggest that even mainstream views are beyond the pale. Today’s censorship on campus can easily become cancel culture in the public square,” said Ryan Christopher, Director of ADF International (UK).
The findings of the national poll follow a number of recent legal challenges to universities across the UK who have been accused of stifling free speech. In one example, Julia Rynkiewicz, a midwifery student, battled suspension and a “fitness to practise” hearing at Nottingham University because of her involvement in a pro-life student group.

Northern Executive closing churches is ‘great disappointment’, says Archbishop Eamon Martin

The head of the Irish Bishops’ Conference has reacted with dismay to the decision of the Northern Executive to close churches across Northern Ireland for two weeks from November 27th.

Archbishop of Armagh, Eamon Martin called the news “unexpected” and described it as “a great disappointment”.

He added that it was “contrary to the assurances given to faith groups at a meeting just last week at which we were praised for our attention to safety and public health.”

He said the Church would urgently request that the ban on public worship would be for the shortest period possible.

He will also seek urgent clarification on whether churches may open for individual visits and private prayer.

“I cannot understand how a person may still go to an off-licence to buy alcohol but might not be permitted to visit and sit in quiet solitary prayer in a large church.  The right to do this is particularly important for Catholics,” he said.

“In speaking about ‘saving Christmas’, I urge the Executive to accept that for many people a ‘meaningful Christmas’ is about more than shopping, eating and drinking.  Spiritual preparation is essential”.


Consultant voiced fears before false foetal diagnosis at NMH

A hospital consultant made a protected disclosure to the Minister for Health in 2018 raising concerns about clinical genetic services at the National Maternity Hospital (NMH).

The disclosure was made shortly before a couple agreed to an abortion after their unborn child was mistakenly diagnosed with a genetic condition trisomy 18, or Edwards’ syndrome.

The couple claim they were told there was no hope for the baby after the first test and were not given the opportunity to discuss their case with a consultant clinical geneticist, who might have advised them to wait for the results of a second test.

The abortion took place in March 2019, before a more comprehensive test showed the baby was healthy.

The whistleblowing consultant raised concerns about the provision of clinical genetic services at the NMH in November 2018, after being informed of a proposal to outsource all genetic and laboratory services to Birmingham Women’s Hospital.

Meanwhile, the couple have personally written to Taoiseach Micheál Martin outlining their distress that a review of the case is still unable to get under way.

They said they do not have full trust and confidence in the process and they feared they were being “kept in the dark” regarding critical, ongoing communications between the Department of Health and the hospital.


Bishop of Raphoe calls for lifting of public Masses ban

The Bishop of Raphoe is calling on the government to lift the ban on public worship, put in place as a measure against Covid-19.

The ban has been part of mid-level restrictions imposed since early October.

Rev Alan McGuckian, SJ, said the prospect of churches remaining closed in the weeks leading up to Christmas was “both frustrating and frightening”.

Speaking to the Donegal News, he said he would encourage parishioners to lobby their TDs to put pressure on the Cabinet and public health authorities to have public Masses reinstated.

“We are 100 per cent supportive, and always have been, of everything the Government is trying to do but our Churches have shown themselves to be such safe spaces. Many people who are suffering more this time than before are saying that they really need to get back to their worship of God.

“I’m really supportive of people speaking to their public representatives and encouraging them to get the Government to see that it makes perfect sense that the churches, in absolute safety, should be opened for worship,” Bishop McGuckian said.


British soap plans Down’s syndrome abortion storyline

Emmerdale producers have defended a forthcoming storyline which will see a couple terminate their pregnancy after being told their unborn child has Down’s syndrome.

The move comes despite a backlash from some, who said the ITV soap was perpetuating the idea that those with Down’s syndrome do not lead lives worth living.

Tim Reid, the co-creator and co-writer of Car Share, tweeted: “Dear Emmerdale, are you confident you’ve tackled this story in a way your audience with Down’s syndrome deserve? Have you taken the same approach you would if characters were choosing to end a pregnancy for reason of gender, race or physical disability?”

Wendy O’Carroll, the founder of support charity Ups and Downs Southwest, voiced her concerns in an open letter to Emmerdale which was widely shared on Facebook.

“Your proposed story will further serve to encourage and confirm the opinion that ending the life of a baby just because it has Down syndrome is perfectly acceptable and understandable because maybe it would be better if fewer people ‘like them’ were in the world,” she said.


More than 500 hate crimes against Europe’s Christians recorded in 2019

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe published data Monday documenting more than 500 hate crimes against Christians in Europe in 2019.

Incidents included attacks against Catholic priests, arson attacks on Catholic churches, the destruction of images of the Virgin Mary, vandalism of a pregnancy counseling center, and the theft of consecrated Eucharistic hosts from tabernacles.

France had the most hate crimes against Christians, with 144 incidents in 2019, the majority occurring against Catholic churches. The OSCE also reported 81 incidents in Germany, 75 in Spain, and 70 in Italy.

In total, there were 595 incidents against Christians documented by OSCE. Of these, 459 were attacks against property and 80 were violent attacks against people. Nearly a fourth of the data on Christians was reported directly by the Holy See.