News Roundup

Abortion killing more black Americans than all other causes

A black pastor in the United States has said that abortion outstrips the 13 other leading causes of death among black Americans. Pastor Walter B. Hoye II has conducted a study of deaths within the black American community in light of the current issue of police shootings of black men. According to his own studies, the pastor reveals that, among other causes, abortion ends 53.2 more black lives for every homicide, 5.9 times more than heart disease, 6.3 times more than cancer, and 182.3 times more than suicide.


‘Designer babies’ could have serious health issues – scientists

So-called ‘designer babies’ born through Genetically Modified (GM) embryos could carry serious health issue with them, new research has suggested. Conducted by researchers at the CNIC research institute in Madrid, Spain, experiments carried out on mice involving mitochondrial replacement – DNA ‘editing’ – caused rapid ageing and metabolic changes. The results have sparked fears in Britain, the only nation to allow the process, that the same effects could be experienced in GM babies. Scientists at Newcastle University are pushing ahead with trials on DNA editing babies despite warnings.

Massachusetts signs transgender toilet access into law

The US state of Massachusetts has signed transgender rights into law, offering people the right to use the bathroom and shower facilities of their self-designed gender. The new law comes into effect on October 1. Opponents have pointed out that the new law, in seeking to end discrimination, fails to protect women and children and violates rights to privacy. “What we have today is the sacrifice of common sense and the abdication of responsibility by both houses of the legislature and now the governor,” said the Massachusetts Family Institute in a statement.

Abortion Bill defeated in Dáil vote

A Bill towards allowing abortion in cases of foetal abnormality has been defeated in a Dáil vote, despite the Government’s free vote on the matter. The legislation, proposed by Independent TD Mick Wallace was struck down by 95 votes to 45, with 17 TDs abstaining or absent. Only five Fianna Fail TDs voted in favour with 36 voting against in a free vote.


Two-thirds of Irish voters favour abortion where baby may die soon after birth – poll

Two-thirds of voters say they favour the repeal of the Eighth Amendment to allow for abortion in cases of rape and life-limiting abnormalities, according to an Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI poll. When asked if the constitutional protection for the unborn should be set aside to allow for terminations in such circumstances, 67% of respondents agreed that termination should be an option, while 21% opposed the change. Among people resident in Dublin, the number jumped to 75% in favour. There is no difference between men and women on the subject, with 67 per cent of men and 68 per cent of women in favour of repeal. Voters aged 65 and over are much more likely – 39% -to support the anti-abortion position, while farmers are also more likely to support retention of the amendment 35%.


Methodist Church to consider same-sex marriage ceremonies

The Methodist Church says it will “revisit” the issue of same-sex marriage after members voiced backing for the church to endorse gay unions. The commitment came after the Methodist annual general meeting in London heard from its Marriage and Relationship Task Group that there is a measure of support for the church conducting same-sex marriage ceremonies. Rev. Graham Carter told the meeting that there is a “clear mandate” to “revisit” the church’s definition of marriage via a ‘re-examination’ of theology. However, the task group also noted that there was concern within the church that voting for same-sex marriage would “damage its prophetic and counter-cultural role by giving into changes in society”.


Admissions Bill may curb right of Catholic schools to prioritise Catholic pupils

The Minister for Education Richard Bruton has vowed to “explicitly ban” discrimination on schools’ admissions, signalling a possible end to Catholic schools prioritising students of the faith. Minister Bruton made his comments as he unveiled his new Admissions Bill, the provisions of which are expected to be enacted this September. One new requirement under the Act is that schools must consult with parents in relation to their admissions policies, which must be made public. Along with the issue of possibly ending the right of religious schools to prioritise pupils, the issue of reserving places for relatives of past pupils has been referred to an Oireachtas committee for a final decision.



Mississippi Judge strikes down conscience protection law

A judge in the US state of Mississippi has struck down a law which offers protection for those who, through religious belief, object to participating in same-sex marriage ceremonies. The Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act was signed into law in April to allow judges and clerks of deeply held beliefs to opt out of such ceremonies, but after a legal challenge mounted by the American Civil Liberties Union, District Judge Carlton Reeves set the legislation aside one day before it was due to come into effect. Reacting to the judgement, the state’s Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves said: “I hope the state’s attorneys will quickly appeal this decision…to protect the deeply held religious beliefs of all Mississippians.”


Ministers gain free vote on abortion

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has agreed to afford ministers a free vote on abortion. Just days after insisting on “collective Cabinet responsibility” on the forthcoming Bill on legislating for terminations due to so-called ‘fatal foetal abnormalites’, Mr Kenny said he is prepared to allow Independent ministers their demanded free vote. The move now allows Cabinet members Shane Ross and Finian McGrath, as well as junior minister John Halligan, to vote in favour of the Bill. The rest of the Cabinet will vote against. The row over voting comes despite advice from the Attorney General, Máire Whelan, that the abortion Bill is unconstitutional.


MPs call for brothels to be legalised in Britain

Brothels should be legalised in England and Wales, a parliamentary group has said. The Home Affairs Committee has called for legislative change in the area of prostitution, urging both an end to the criminalising of prostitutes and the relaxing of laws around brothels, in line with similar moves undertaken in New Zealand. However, the move has been criticised by the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) which said decriminalising prostitution “empowers” the people who exploit them. The group pointed out that the New Zealand changes had done nothing to stem the flow of trafficked women, a trade which is still “thriving”.