The Iona Blog

Why leading doctors oppose assisted suicide

By Dr Angelo Bottone

A Private Members’ Bill seeking to permit assisted suicide will be debated in the Dáil next week. It is proposed by Solidarity-People Before Profit TD Gino Kenny. The last time when this issue was discussed in Leinster House, three years ago, some of the strongest opposition came from the members of the medical profession and...


Liveline discussion on HSE sex advice was too like Jerry Springer Show

By David Quinn

We’re all having to change the way we do things during this pandemic. The Government’s advice now extends even to sex, which probably makes sense, seeing as it is a bit difficult to socially distance when ‘in the act’. If your sexual partner lives in the same house as you, then you’re in the clear....


More God, Less Crime

By David Quinn

An article in the prestigious journal, ‘Foreign Affairs’, reckons religion is in decline in much of the world, and not just in rich countries, and this is no bad thing because it is not resulting in increased crime and corruption as some religious leaders would have predicted. But this is misleading, for reasons to be...


Assisted suicide is incompatible with human dignity

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The debate about assisted suicide is heating up in Ireland again with a Private Member’s Bill due to come before the Dail that seeks to permit the procedure under certain circumstances. At the core of this debate is the very dangerous assumption that death by a form of suicide is compatible with human dignity. Dignity...


Portugal’s abortion experience as a guide to future here

By Jim Stack MSc PhD Two years ago, I wrote an Iona blog comparing historical abortion ratios in Ireland and Portugal. My main purpose at the time was to predict what would happen to abortion numbers in Ireland following repeal of the Eighth Amendment, based on Portuguese experience before and after they legalised abortion in...


If atheists are right then Big Phil isn’t responsible for his actions

By David Quinn

Phil Hogan, our Commissioner in Brussels, is in big trouble because he violated some of the public health guidelines designed to protect us from Covid-19. He is under huge pressure to resign. That decision is up to his boss, EU Commission president, Ursula Van Der Leyen. Or is it? In fact, is ‘Big Phil’ responsible...


The book to cure you of naïve atheism

By David Quinn

A lot of atheists don’t seem to understand properly the consequences of their atheism. They think you can ditch belief in God and retain belief in objective right and wrong, free will and even some form of meaning and purpose. The book for these naïve atheists to read is ‘The Atheist’s Guide to Reality: Enjoying...


Growing support among doctors for infanticide

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The vast majority of pro-abortion doctors working in neo-natal units in Flanders, Belgium, support being allowed to kill a newborn baby if it has a serious disability. This can only be described as a further descent into barbarism as the culture of death strengthens its grip in that country. A new survey of 117 physicians...


Is Christian pro-life teaching unbalancing our response to Covid?

By David Quinn

Is the value Christians attach to life impeding our response to Covid-19? This is basically the question columnist Matthew Parris asked in The Times of London last Saturday. He believes that we have given too much importance to  saving every individual life we possibly can from the the pandemic and so our response to it...


Do restrictive abortion laws reduce the abortion rate?

By Dr Angelo Bottone

A new study claims that more restrictive abortion laws do not reduce the incidence of abortion. In fact, the opposite may be the case, it says. If true, this would be a big blow to the pro-life movement which obviously fights for more restrictive laws. But a closer look at the study shows no such...

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