Press Releases

Almost half of practising Catholics have returned to Mass post-lockdown

Press Release from The Iona Institute Almost half of practising Catholics have returned to Mass post-lockdown says new poll but fear of Covid still a big factor among those who have not come back yet 56pc of Mass-goers think First Holy Communion ceremonies should take place again   4 August, 2021  – A new Amarach...


Increasing number of people watching religious services online 

The number of people watching religious services online or on TV has risen to 36pc in the current lockdown, according to a new Amarach Research opinion poll. The figure in the first lockdown 12 months ago was 27pc, which is equivalent to the number who were attending Mass on a weekly basis before the start...


Religious leaders must challenge latest ban on public worship

Press Release from The Iona Institute Ireland is almost alone in Europe in stopping public worship completely December 27, 2020  – Public worship has been effectively banned again in Ireland because of the increase in Covid case numbers. Leo Varadkar has indicated that the new level 5 restrictions could continue for two months. Religious leaders...


36pc of the public want to attend church services this Christmas

Press Release from The Iona Institute 36pc of the public want to attend church services this Christmas 26pc say they are watching religious services online during the second lockdown   25 November, 2020  – A new Amarach Research poll commissioned by The Iona Institute shows that 36pc of adults plan to attend church services if they...


1 in 5 Mass-goers don’t know if they will return after Covid says new poll

Press Release from The Iona Institute 36pc of Catholics have returned to Mass since lockdown ended  But almost a quarter not sure if they will come back September 21, 2020  – A new Amarach Research poll commissioned by The Iona Institute shows that 36pc of Catholics who were attending Mass regularly before the Covid pandemic have...


27pc tuning into religious services, 18pc praying more in lockdown

Press Release from The Iona Institute 27pc say they have watched a religious service since the lockdown began  18pc say they are praying more than usual April 23, 2020  – A new poll from Amarach Research, commissioned by The Iona Institute, looks at how religious practice is taking place during the lockdown. It has found...


Big majority of mothers in Ireland want to work part-time not full-time

Press Release from The Iona Institute New survey shows 61pc of mothers wish to work part-time compared with 29pc of fathers March 9, 2020  – New results from a major international survey show that a big majority of women (61pc) aged 18-50 with children under 18 years of age would prefer to work part-time if...


Health Committee’s surrogacy recommendations would further commodify children

Press Release from The Iona Institute Sleepwalking to disaster if recommendations on fertility industry are followed July 22, 2019  – A new report from the Joint Oireachtas Health Committee on the Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR) industry would further advance the commodification of eggs, sperm, wombs, embryos and even children after they are born if its...


Government must fund research into causes of marriage breakdown

Press Release from The Iona Institute Government must fund research into causes of marriage breakdown Divorce referendum a chance for Government to show how it will reduce rate of divorce and separation May 21, 2019  – We are to hold a referendum on divorce this Friday. The referendum is not really about reducing the waiting...


New ‘Still One of Us’ billboard campaign launched

Press release from The Iona Institute  New ‘Still One of Us’ billboard campaign launched A year on the from the referendum, billboard campaign is a remind that the right-to-life of the unborn still exist May 8, 2019 – Almost a year after the referendum that repealed the 8th amendment, The Iona Institute has launched a new billboard...