The Iona Blog

If atheists are right then Big Phil isn’t responsible for his actions

By David Quinn

Phil Hogan, our Commissioner in Brussels, is in big trouble because he violated some of the public health guidelines designed to protect us from Covid-19. He is under huge pressure to resign. That decision is up to his boss, EU Commission president, Ursula Van Der Leyen. Or is it? In fact, is ‘Big Phil’ responsible...


The book to cure you of naïve atheism

By David Quinn

A lot of atheists don’t seem to understand properly the consequences of their atheism. They think you can ditch belief in God and retain belief in objective right and wrong, free will and even some form of meaning and purpose. The book for these naïve atheists to read is ‘The Atheist’s Guide to Reality: Enjoying...


Growing support among doctors for infanticide

By Dr Angelo Bottone

The vast majority of pro-abortion doctors working in neo-natal units in Flanders, Belgium, support being allowed to kill a newborn baby if it has a serious disability. This can only be described as a further descent into barbarism as the culture of death strengthens its grip in that country. A new survey of 117 physicians...


Is Christian pro-life teaching unbalancing our response to Covid?

By David Quinn

Is the value Christians attach to life impeding our response to Covid-19? This is basically the question columnist Matthew Parris asked in The Times of London last Saturday. He believes that we have given too much importance to  saving every individual life we possibly can from the the pandemic and so our response to it...


Do restrictive abortion laws reduce the abortion rate?

By Dr Angelo Bottone

A new study claims that more restrictive abortion laws do not reduce the incidence of abortion. In fact, the opposite may be the case, it says. If true, this would be a big blow to the pro-life movement which obviously fights for more restrictive laws. But a closer look at the study shows no such...


‘Mrs America’ fought for the dignity of housewives

By David Quinn

‘Mrs America’ is a much discussed new series depicting the battle that raged in the United States in the 1970s over a proposed amendment to the US Constitution called the ‘Equal Rights Amendment’. This proposed to outlaw discrimination on the basis of sex. The ‘Mrs America’ of the series is the real-life Phyllis Schlafly (played...


What can we expect from the proposed Citizens’ Assembly on Education?

By David Mullins

A commitment to establish a Citizens’ Assembly on education was a core feature of the recent general election manifesto of the Green Party.  Among other things, what are the implications of this for faith schools? We saw where this went with abortion. But first, a look at the origin of the idea. This proposal was...


Tackling Ireland’s growing birth dearth

A new study confirms that Ireland’s population is ageing fast, partly driven by a below-replacement level fertility rate. Iona Institute Director, David Quinn, was on Newstalk to discuss what, if anything, we can do about this. He said we need to debate the matter, and this needs to be led by young people who will...


The religious will inherit the Earth

By Dr Angelo Bottone

There is a strong possibility that as the world ages between now and the end of the century, it will also become more religious. Why? Because the fastest growing continent by far in population terms is Africa, and Africa is more religious than most of the rest of the world. A major new study published...


Huge variation in abortion rates in different parts of Ireland

By Jim Stack MSc PhD The new report on abortions in Ireland is very short on information, but does allow us to compare the abortion rate of different counties. The figure for the total number of terminations in Ireland last year was, of course, 6666. The measure of abortion rates used in this article is...

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